The final page displays the results of the optimization. Use the back button on the browser to change parameters and rerun the optimization. Both the inputs and the results are summarized on the results page.
User-specified current waveform
The current waveforms specified by the user are plotted. Waveforms can be either piecewise linear (pictured) or sinusoidal. The current waveform in each winding is displayed in a separate plot.
User-specified winding cross-section
The shapes of the winding cross sections that were used in the simulation are reported graphically, as specified by the user. If running in 2-D simulation mode, these will reflect the rectangular sections specified in detail on the previous page. If in 1-D mode, the windings will be stacked radially, with heights specified by the user. If "Assume Layered Windings" is checked, these heights are calculated automatically based on the number of turns and the RMS current of each winding.
Optimal Designs Plot
The Optimal Designs Plot shows the cost-loss curve, on a log-log scale. The red line and markers correspond to hypothetical optimums. The black line and markers denote the best buildable designs. The hypothetical optimums are not bound by the winding window size and can contain fractional numbers of strands and fractional AWG. The buildable designs are limited to fit in the winding window and are all whole numbers of strands, and commercially available strand AWG.
If an original design was specified, a blue asterisk marks the design point on the cost and loss plot. The loss of the original design is predicted, and the cost is estimated relative to the optimal designs. The last table also reports this data numerically, and reports the original design input values. If multiple windings were specified, the turn numbers and AWG numbers of each winding are separated by a space, as in the example below with two windings.
Original Designs Table with estimated cost and loss